Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Buy Me a Double-Wide and Hand Me a Pabst

Shortly before the holiday break, a friend of mine in the department took a moment to say how glad he was that I came to our school and how much he appreciates our friendship. I was rather taken aback, as the culture I come from is built upon the idea that such sentiment, or any such expression of emotion, is never voiced aloud. I've always felt this works in my favor in matters of psychological duress, when I simply push things deep down and idly wonder how it'll manage to work it's way out (lately, it's been swearing in my sleep, if you're curious), but genuine affection or appreciation for anyone must be communicated solely through the gaze...which, unfortunately, usually earns me the adjective "squinty." Like an amorous pirate, I like to think, but the point remains I don't communicate affection well.

Perhaps the reason is because, it turns out, I am utterly without it. Yes, according to the flyspeck institutions of Harvard, Yale, and the National Institute of Mental Health, I am a seething cauldron of hate waiting to attack my African American brothers and sisters. You see, they have created an online test on racism you can take, and my end result was that I "strongly prefer people of European descent." "Strongly" isn't all that bad, you might (insincerely) say, but let me give you the scale: No preference, Minor Preference; Moderate Preference; Strong Preference. Yup. And to think I've always been such a good test taker otherwise.

I don't mean to make light of this result, but I just don't think it's all that accurate. I mean, I genuinely fear or dislike every creature on God's green earth; no one demographic really has a lock on my special attentions. More to the point, I've always found such tests a novelty more than anything else. Still, the majority of you are probably sagely nodding your heads, having expected nothing less, and I'm sure a choir of Irish ancestors are smiling apologetically in Purgatory for having pushed me down this dark path. I wish I had the good grace to feel more embarrassed about the results, but I really don't have time for that amidst my frantic campaign to prove Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate is a fake. In the meantime, pop over to More Rants than Raves to find the link and take this test yourself. I solemnly pray you'll all do better than I did.


Anonymous said...

wow, what wierdo was this? ;) lol jk

yeah, those tests are interesting.. i'm gonna take it right now and see if i have some strong racist tendencies ;)

on another note, i like this line:
"genuine affection or appreciation for anyone must be communicated solely through the gaze..."
I'm gonna have to steal that :)

Ryan Danger Sims said...
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Ryan Danger Sims said...
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Ryan Danger Sims said...

You're going down a "dark path," eh? Why does the BAD path always gotta be DARK?! That's mad racial, yo.

Don't worry, Colonel. I am sure your results were heavily influenced by the fact that you're left handed...

Colonel Gentleman said...

Is it strange that I feel the two deleted comments to be particularly ominous? Or is this just my white guilt acting up? Can't it be both?

Anonymous said...


Not to point out the obvious but this makes no sense:

Perhaps the reason is because, it turns out, I am utterly without it. Yes, according to the flyspeck institutions of Harvard, Yale, and the National Institute of Mental Health, I am a seething cauldron of hate waiting to attack my African American brothers and sisters.

You say you are utterly without emotion and then say you are a seething cauldren of hate. Surely you don't need a simpleton like me to point out that hate IS an emotion.

McSpick said...

I think the format of the test leads people towards a racist conclusion. Or, I could be looking for an excuse to explain why I am a self-hating, left-handed Mexican.


Miss Carousel said...

apparently, i "moderately" prefer people of white descent. i found, however, their method of a analysis a bit suspect. whenever you would pair something good with black folks, a big red "X" appears. kinda weird, if you ask me.... as if the pairing was "wrong." i don't know, i found the test pretty manipulative. and no, this is not a way for me to reason or rationalize away my own internalized racism. :)