Sunday, March 15, 2009


Education is often the whipping boy of budgetary cutbacks at the state and federal levels, and not surprisingly, our standing worldwide has steadily ticked downward. Of course, you'd need the ability to connect cause and effect to see the correlation, so I suppose America's youth will remain blissfully unaware of the royal screwing they've been taking since they first put finger to paint, but that's beside the point.

We champions of education must be ever vigilant, for no perspective is wholly unassailable, and should we become too entrenched in the certitude that our cause is just and right, we may miss the reasonable objections of the other side. So allow me to play devil's advocate for a moment:

If we teach hillbillies math, they'll get better at science. Once they get better at math and science, they'll progress to engineering. And once that happens, they start making compact, transforming weaponry that, apparently, they plan to take on walks everywhere they go just in case they have to "get down to business." Behold the latest prototype from Magpul Industries. I can only imagine the man in the clip is sporting an Amish beard to cushion his jaw when he repeatedly thrusts that weapon against his face with such enthusiasm and vigor.

Honestly, I'd have been fine if that child was left behind.


CA Commuter Confessions said...


McSpick said...

I will stick with my sword in a cane, thank you sirrah!

Unknown said...

Education and Awesome rarely go hand-in-hand, and I doubt repeating the 10th grade six times would have hampered that dude's entreprenurial spirit. Just be glad that weapons like those require licences which require forms to be filled out and money, keeping the peasants warily at bay. We don't need to start worrying until the Tony Stark of West Virginia comes along and destroys civilization with his Power Armor and "folksie" charm, or they want commercial Nuclear power.

Ryan Danger Sims said...

Two things came to mind when I watched this video:

1) That is crazy scary. The gun should be illegal and any existing prototypes should be immediately destroyed.

2) I want one!