Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Long Time No See

So it seems I've been lagging on the whole 'blog' thing again. My apologies. Allow me to catch you up on the exciting events of my life from the past three weeks: 1) I still haven't started writing the second chapter of my dissertation; 2) grading student papers still corrodes my soul, and more importantly, keeps me from working on my dissertation more; 3) my brother graduated from law school this weekend.

This final point merits more discussion. My brother, two years my junior, has just recently graduated from Hofstra law school. Finally, one of my father's sons will make an adequate wage. My family flew out to see him walk, which ended up working well this time, since he had arrived late to his own graduation when he received his B.A., prompting my father to fly into a fit of such intense Irish rage that Saint Patrick granted the souls of Purgatory a momentary respite from their cleansing flames in appreciation. Everyone was on time this year, though, and to make the pot even sweeter, Kelly and I got to spend the weekend in New York and visit some very good friends we don't get to see nearly enough.

On a related note, I don't sleep on planes. Ever. I must have traded away the ability to do so for never getting cavities, or some other inane deal with Satan. Anyway, I actually used some of that time this weekend to draw, something that I haven't done for well over a year, which is saying something, considering how often I used to sketch when I was younger. I thought I'd post the results now that I've finished the piece.


Anonymous said...

i like the sketch :)
ugh, i'm jealous! i don't have any artistic talent! boooo

2nd chapter.... I WISH! lol

Anonymous said...

That's awesome Colonel. I love the fine details in the face. Anytime I try to draw, regardless of what I'm "going for," the person always ends up looking stoned out of his/her mind.

If I didn't know how seriously committed and passionate you are about revenge tragedy and that dissertation you've got going I would be so bold as to suggest you attempt to make some sort of living off of this skill.

McSpick said...

c'est magnifique!

Miss Carousel said...

lovely, jim! this lad should valiantly hold off the soul-suck of academia! :)