Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Alternate Endings Cannot Save Season 2's Mediocrity

So it's no surprise that I'm a fairly big fan of the show Heroes, and for those of you who watch it, it's also no surprise that the second season wasn't necessarily their best yet, though the addition of Kristen Bell (aka Veronica Mars) to anything is always a good idea. I'm willing to bet that if they dropped her onto Beijing from 10,000 feet she would cleanse the very air of China as she plummeted to her doom, but as our nation is unwilling to squander such a valuable natural resource, we have remained content to let the world's Olympians blacken their lungs. But I digress.

Since some of you may not have watched this show up to its current point yet--or at all--I won't go into any details, save to say that Season 2 contains the worst fake Irish accents in the history of sound. While that kind of stuff is a deal-breaker for me, it passes under sane people's radar, so I'll let it be. Anyway, said season is out on DVD now, and already some of its extras are popping up on the Interwebs. I've linked a page here that has three such tidbits: 1) an alternate ending where what they were trying to stop wasn't stopped and got out (you know, when I write it like that, it sounds pretty damn cliche, doesn't it?); 2) the revelation of Kaito Nakamura's (Hiro's father, aka Mr. Sulu) ability/power; and 3) a scene with Nathan yelling at his wife and kids, which I think is a lovely segue from my last post. None of these are particularly earth-shattering, but of course if they were, they probably wouldn't have been cut. Still, enjoy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like how the commercials for season 3 promise that it won't suck nearly as much as season 2 did.....