Saturday, September 29, 2007

Government Identification is his Plaything

This is something I have laughed at, very hard, many times. My friend Ryan has a habit of taking ridiculous photos for his driver's license, enough so that he has worked out a system. Apparently, if you make too strange a face when having your picture taken, the DMV employee, whose soul has undoubtedly been eroded to a dull husk even God would look askance at, will grumpily tell you to stop fucking around (in so many words) and take a real picture. Ryan's solution? You simply have to hold whatever face you want to use from the very moment you enter the DMV. He has numerous, harrowing accounts of employees and other customers watching him and pointing at him the whole time. And still the man perseveres, and thank God he does, because the images below never fail to make me crack up. Also, notice the use of makeup in the final image; our young virtuouso is honing his craft, developing an ever-more intriquite ritual that will, one day, culminate in a DMV photo that will literally melt the face of anyone who beholds it. I look forward to that day...except for the face melting part of it.

Ryan is the proud papa of More Rants than Raves. Check it out for similar hilarity.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out, yo. I have been sitting here for 5 minutes trying to think of something clever to write but it just isn't working. Your blog rocks!

Colonel Gentleman said...

No, sir, you are too kind. If anyone rocks, then it is John Tesh. I am merely a simple man who has a proclivity for unnecessarily big words and an over-indulgent use of metaphor, not unlike...ah, you get the idea. Oh, and thanks.