Friday, February 27, 2009

Dick and Jane: All Grown Up, or More Phun Wif Wordz

Honestly, does no one take a step back and read these things before actually putting them up? Perhaps the parties responsible for this little double entendre are simply so naive, so pure of heart, that alternate meanings do not present themselves when they proudly stand aside and gaze at their handiwork. Not so for the rest of us (sorry to drag you down to the gutter with me, dearest reader). Don't get me wrong; despite my alternate reading of this public declaration, it still amounts to the same message. Oh yes, the love is still in this relationship - we may just have a discrepancy over semantics.

Happy Anniversary, Dick and Lisa. To think you've come so far from those golden, childhood years when you two strolled through the neighborhood and, apparently, discovered perverts hiding in the bushes.

My, oh my. The grow up so very fast.

1 comment:

McSpick said...

It begs the question; after all these years, does Jane still love Dick?