Monday, November 26, 2007

I Rolled a 4 on my Concentration Check

To be honest, I've always been somewhat ambivalent about the whole mainstream appropriation of geek culture. I'm not too concerned, since certain things like role-playing (particularly D&D) remain rather taboo, which allows me the luxury of believing I still know something they don't. To be more specific, I know the sweet joy of rolling a natural twenty when you're just about to be killed by the evil ninja Jubei, and in turn running him through with your own sword; I know the satisfaction of talking your way past a guard by bluffing him into thinking you have even an speck of clout with the local duke; and, of course, there's the mixed feelings about not knowing the touch of a woman for probably too long because of all-night gaming sessions fueled by Dr. Pepper and crippling social anxiety. But I digress...

Of late, World of Warcraft has been running commercials featuring celebrities (a term I bandy about rather loosely, as you'll see) talking about their WoW characters. I realize that they probably have absolutely no idea what the hell they're actually saying, and yes, I do find the idea that you can pay someone enough money to say things in front of a camera that, to them, sound like gibberish to be utterly delicious. So delicious that I could eat it with a spoon. I can only hope that one day I will be in a position where I can decide what these trained chimps/parrots (perhaps a chimparrot? a colorfully plumed but flightless simian?) will say for their camera. I have no doubt that when this day arrives, I will be sitting in a lair, lazily stroking a pug that is sleeping lazily on my lap. Oh, and the pug will be wearing a Yoda costume. But I continue to digress...

I've posted a clip from youtube that splices the two commercials together. Both are fun in their own way, though the second does have William Shatner dressed essentially like a Jedi. You'll see what I mean.

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