Monday, October 13, 2008

Congratulations All Around

My younger brother passed the Connecticut bar exam on Friday, which means that, statistically speaking, there is one state in the Union I am now much more likely to commit a crime in. Of course, I should first pinpoint where exactly Connecticut is. No sense huffing paint and drag racing in front of a preschool in the Carolinas, now is there? That Maker's Mark Ambassador card of mine isn't a get out of jail free card, and even if it were, I'd save it for something big like hunting the homeless for sport.

In completely unrelated news, save for their relatively close proximity, hat's off to Greg's wife Melissa for getting a theater gig recently that will ensure her acquisition of her equity card. I'd say something else, but I don't know what an equity card is. I imagine it involves her being equal to something, or perhaps how much a house is worth. Ah well. I'll let the egg-heads in Washington figure that one out...which means the Gallaghers are either due for a 700 billion dollar bailout, or we'll be declaring war on them. Rest assured, though--neither will be effective anyway.

A very sincere congratulations to my kid brother Brian and Melissa for their recent accomplishments: thank you for ensuring your friends and family have at least one person to count on financially.


Anonymous said...

Since you are considering "hunting the homeless for sport" I feel I must warn you that man is the deadliest game...

Gregory7 said...

Thanks Jim for the shout out that was very nice of you!!! melissa.